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LEB News 9/16/24

Dearest Parents,

Peace education is a major component of the Montessori classroom. 

Our classroom has a "Peace plant" that is used as a visual aid to help de-escalate a heated situation when there is a conflict in the classroom, so both children can express their views.

One child holds the peace plant and shares what happened and how he feels. It is not accusatory, but a chance to truly express his frustration, anger, or hurt. After he has his say, the first child passes the plant to the other. He also has his chance to share and express how he feels. This continues until the two children come to some sort of a resolution. This could be a simple apology between them, a new way to approach the situation, or just an agreement that they should forget it and move on.

Eventually, the children come to understand that the peace plant means it is time to slow down, catch their breath, and talk calmly instead of yelling and fighting. This helps them learn conflict resolution, a valuable skill that they can draw on throughout their life.

September 21st is the International Day of Peace, also officially known as World Peace Day. It is a United Nations-sanctioned holiday that is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence.

"Preventing conflicts is the work of politics; establishing peace is the work of education."

"Education is the best weapon for peace." - Maria Montessori

Let's take a moment to think about all the children around the world traumatized by war and violence.

Sholem Aleichem!

Warmest regards,

LEB Team

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Jan 02

Good Start!

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